
Investing is an art and highly emotional and subjective.

When buying stocks, if your buying decisions are based on"insiders' information or rumours" and not sound analysis, then you are gambling. Many investors enter the market when stocks prices are high (lacking of confidence to enter beforehand when prices were low). Once the stocks market crash, they tend to sell out their shares out of fear and pessimism, swearing to "chop off their fingers" and never enter the stocks market again. If such situation happens, all their previous gains may be wiped out and suffered a loss.

Investing is an art and highly emotional and subjective. Subjectivity is largely controlled by our emotions. There are times when we are optimistic or pessimistic. If we are unable to control our emotional weakness, we are unlikely to become successful investors.

To be successful, you must first understand yourself, in particular your emotions and the degree of pressure you can tolerate.

The investors should also analyse the country's economic prospects together with the earnings outlook of the major listed companies.

It is imperative that you like Mathematics as the sound mathematical knowledge plays a key role in investment.

财富為了实现梦想;而非梦想拥有财富 .

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Friday, August 21, 2009

David Walker-全球对冲基金将重点转向中国


数据提供商Hedge Fund Research在周二的报告中说,在682亿美元的亚洲对冲基金业中,24%的重点投资亚洲的对冲基金现在都位于中国,比去年上升了5%以上。

Hedge Fund Research总裁海因茨(Kenneth Heinz)说,希望在今年和未来几年获得增长的投资者正在把资产配置到重点投资亚洲的对冲基金中。

Hedge Fund Research还称,位于中国的重点投资亚洲的基金数量已经超过了总部位于英国的同类基金,正在接近位于美国的重点投资亚洲的基金数量。

投资于基金的多策略上市基金Castle Alternative Invest的总经理怀特(Mark White)说,中国日益受到欢迎在很大程度上是由于在香港成立的基金。他说,在中国大陆很难获得基金执照,因此基金公司都在香港注册总部,而将研究部门设在了内地。


与此同时,根据LGT Capital Partners的统计,中国也显示出越来越大的地区主导力量。LGT是伦敦一家大型投资机构,投资了不少重点投资亚洲的对冲基金。



Hedge Fund Research称,重点投资亚洲的对冲基金在今年第二季度的业绩是近10年来最好的,增长了18.9%,总计68亿美元。

Hedge Fund Research称,重点投资中国的基金上涨了19.8%。它们3年期间69%的回报率同中国股市77%的涨幅基本一致。

新加坡大学金融学副教授Melvyn Teo在本年初发表的研究报告中称,进入当地的重点投资亚洲的对冲基金比没有进入当地的竞争对手平均每年领先3.7%,原因之一在于位于亚洲的基金公司可以更便捷地获得当地的信息。

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