
Investing is an art and highly emotional and subjective.

When buying stocks, if your buying decisions are based on"insiders' information or rumours" and not sound analysis, then you are gambling. Many investors enter the market when stocks prices are high (lacking of confidence to enter beforehand when prices were low). Once the stocks market crash, they tend to sell out their shares out of fear and pessimism, swearing to "chop off their fingers" and never enter the stocks market again. If such situation happens, all their previous gains may be wiped out and suffered a loss.

Investing is an art and highly emotional and subjective. Subjectivity is largely controlled by our emotions. There are times when we are optimistic or pessimistic. If we are unable to control our emotional weakness, we are unlikely to become successful investors.

To be successful, you must first understand yourself, in particular your emotions and the degree of pressure you can tolerate.

The investors should also analyse the country's economic prospects together with the earnings outlook of the major listed companies.

It is imperative that you like Mathematics as the sound mathematical knowledge plays a key role in investment.

财富為了实现梦想;而非梦想拥有财富 .

Live Economic Calendar Powered by the Forex Trading Portal

Thursday, January 7, 2010

<转>会议纪录 内有乾坤

作者:王 冠 一

表面上,联储局上月发布的会后声明与之前的没有多大分别,除了维持息率於0-0.25厘不变外,购买1.25亿按揭抵押证券及1750亿由半官方房贷机构发行的代理债,亦会如期在2010年3月底结束。较特别的只是在结尾时加上了一段,称随着金融市场的功能逐渐回复,一些应急的临时放水措施,会按照去年6月25日公布的退市时间表收回,最早的是与其他央行商讨於2月1日為临时货币掉期划上句号,最迟的是新发行於6月30日才到期,以商房為抵押品的定期按揭抵押证券借贷工具(Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, TALF) 。





美国政府正陷两难局面,若过早退市,恐怕会重演1937年出现双底衰退而变成大萧条的覆辙,要加码则会陷入1979年滞胀的旧路,一场大病用特效重药医治,是治标未治本。若处理不当,冠一所说的最坏时刻未至(the worst is yet to come),可能真的噩梦成真。

太早睇淡或太早睇好都係死罪,Timing is everything。

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