
Investing is an art and highly emotional and subjective.

When buying stocks, if your buying decisions are based on"insiders' information or rumours" and not sound analysis, then you are gambling. Many investors enter the market when stocks prices are high (lacking of confidence to enter beforehand when prices were low). Once the stocks market crash, they tend to sell out their shares out of fear and pessimism, swearing to "chop off their fingers" and never enter the stocks market again. If such situation happens, all their previous gains may be wiped out and suffered a loss.

Investing is an art and highly emotional and subjective. Subjectivity is largely controlled by our emotions. There are times when we are optimistic or pessimistic. If we are unable to control our emotional weakness, we are unlikely to become successful investors.

To be successful, you must first understand yourself, in particular your emotions and the degree of pressure you can tolerate.

The investors should also analyse the country's economic prospects together with the earnings outlook of the major listed companies.

It is imperative that you like Mathematics as the sound mathematical knowledge plays a key role in investment.

财富為了实现梦想;而非梦想拥有财富 .

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Friday, December 11, 2009

王冠一:欧洲危机 影响深远





另一个危机不下於希腊和西班牙的国家是爱尔兰,其预算赤字亦高佔GDP的12.5%。為了避免蹈希腊和西班牙的覆辙,爱尔兰政府迅速提出一份削减40亿欧元开支的预算案,措施包括削减7.6亿福利开支、9.8亿日常开支、减省9.6亿的投资项目,以及削减公共服务机薪资合共10亿欧元。欧洲议会对此表示无任欢迎,但付出代价的却是公共机构的员工。為免招来肥上瘦下的指责,年薪28.5万欧元的爱尔兰总理Brian Bowen亦身先士卒,减薪两成。其他部长级高官早前已自愿减薪1成,现时则加码至15%。




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